Our British woollen puttee reproduction, look and feel like the original. With their rough, khaki texture – they are perfect for re-enactments throughout the early 20th century. They measure an astounding 145cm in length and 10cm wide. They are extremely comfortable when worn correctly.
Key Features
Material Rough textured, period accurate wool
Much longer in length than original puttees – also ideal for pre-WW2
Measure 145cm in length
Khaki colour – accurate to the originals.
Versatile as they can be used for a variety of re-enactments
A pair of excellent reproductions of British Woolen puttees. These look and feel like the original with their rough woollen texture and accurate shade of green. Measuring 145cm long, they are ideal for use in any wartime British re-enactment.
Puttees were long-established items of British Soldiers and were worn from the 1890s to the 1980s! Although time-consuming to tie correctly, puttees were practical and comfortable as they stopped mud and debris from entering the boot. Short puttees were more common during the Second World War and continued through to the late 20th century.
These are a must-have for any British portrayal from both the First and Second World Wars.
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At the beginning of the Second World War, the British Army was ill-prepared and small in comparison to its enemies. During the early war years, Britain suffered defeat after defeat – fortunately, this changed with the introduction of the Soviets and Americans into the war. The cracking of the enigma code was an important factor in the British change of fortune. By September 1945, over 3.5 million Men and Women had served in the British Army, suffering 720,000 casualties.
Only two armoured divisions (1st and 7th) were formed at the outbreak of the Second World War. When the UK declared war on the advancing Germans, the National Service Act was passed and all fit men between the ages of 18 and 21 were required to register for training. By the end of 1939, the British Army had over 1.1 million men. The size of the army peaked at 2.2 million men in June 1945. It is estimated that approximately 3 million men served during the war – 10 million less than the Heer Army.